Chinese kids are kinda like that toaster you just bought, but with insurance against Acts of God. So if you just lost your kid in the earthquake, you can either (a) register the one you already illegally had, or (b) make a new one. Who says the Chinese government is cold and insensitive?
Slate has the details.
Update: Apparently it's pretty common to get an exemption for a second child if your first is killed accidentally. Here's Slate's follow-up post.
Geoff, didn't you learn anything from Professor Green's Chinese Economy class? Sheer demographic dynamics dictate that unless they turn a blind eye to the "illegal" children and also approve of "replacement" children, they are going to have one hell of a time keeping the economy going. Their population pyramid just got a little more messed up.
Actually, upon further reading I'm no longer sure of what tone you meant to take on that last post. It could have been more tongue-in-cheek than I expected. Subsequently, accord my initial sentence with as much sarcasm as appropriate.
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