Sunday, September 14, 2008

The Thing About the Chinese... that they're fine with ripping off others' ideas (have we covered this yet?).  What normally happens is that they'll just rip off someone else's idea, pump more money into marketing (since they're saving on R&D costs anyways) and try to trump the original.  So needless to say, mergers and acquisitions aren't nearly as popular here as they are in the West.  It's a business model that has really grown legs with the advent of the internet. 

That oh so familiar homepage above is for, a Facebook ripoff competitor.  Apparently the Chinese version of (remember that?) is hugely popular too, though I can't seem to find the link right now. 

1 comment:

Cdg said...

holy shit, how do they not get sued every day.

Also I updated my blog, probbaly nothing you would find interesting but hey maybe you'd like to know.