Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Better City, Better Life

417 days to go until the 2010 Shanghai Expo, and I saw this today switching lines on the Metro:

Basically they've dressed guy up in an "Haibao " costume (the official Expo mascot and 2nd cousin of Towelie) and they've got others standing around with signs reminding/teaching/hammering it into people's heads that you should stand on the right side of escalators and pass on the left.  Sounds stupid, but don't forget, "education programs" did help Beijing out with its pre-Olympic spitting problem.

Anyways, here's the latest and greatest on the Expo a year and a bit out:
  • China says confident [sic] US will be in 2010 Expo: America's participation in the event has been in doubt for a while.  "U.S. organizers have been struggling to raise the $61 million needed for a pavilion at the event — a problem compounded because American law prohibits government funding of such events, which must instead be privately financed."

  • Taiwan pavilion's placement at World Expo could re-spark controversy: Taiwan's going to have two pavilions representing Taipei at the Expo, but just to make sure everyone knows that the "renegade province" is still a part of China, event organizers are going to put a Taiwan section in the Chinese exhibition too.  Seems to me that if Taiwan can have its own Olympic team, China could just let this one go.

  • Most of the pavilion designs are up on the official website now...check them out here.  Denmark's entry looks like it'll be cool; the Dutch one looks like it might just be a huge orange-themed dollhouse.  Britain's is a floating orb, while Italy's looks like Beijing's Water Cube.  Poland's just looks like origami.

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