Tuesday, November 11, 2008



transitive verb
a: to grasp the nature, worth, quality, or significance of
b: to value or admire highly
c: to judge with heightened perception or understanding : be fully aware of
d: to recognize with gratitude
- Webster's Dictionary

When I was travelling in Spain, I met a guy who worked in a hostel who started a guestbook and asked visitors to write down seven things they appreciated. Except he didn't define appreciate like Webster's does. He defined it as something that made your life better, but not something that you actively wanted or missed not having when it was gone. I thought it was a great way to try to define those little things in life that make it worth living. I forget exactly what I wrote, but one of my entries was something about when a baby grabs your finger. It's not something I go running around looking for, but it's great when it happens.

Anyways, I think it's also a good way to help frame how you experience a new country and a new culture. I'm going to try to make this a running segment, and I'll start today with three things I've really appreciated about living in China.

  1. Chinglish. Always unintentionally funny and something that never fails to crack me up.
  2. Budging in line. Can't say I'm going to miss that. But I can't say I'm not going to miss it either.
  3. Thunderstorms. They are totally badass here. The sky just explodes with thunder and lightning...there's no way you can't feel alive during one, even if you're sitting around nice and safe inside.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just found your blog through your gmail status thing.

I like this blog.. quite meaningful. And the three things you appreciate in Shanghai... I think the last is totally random but definitely my favourite.