Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Child's Play: Malafi Photo Initiative

Been a little slow with the posts lately, but am working on a couple different things that'll hopefully get put up soon.  Might have a couple two-parters on the way; not yet sure how I'm going to tackle what I got in mind.

In the meantime though, I've been getting involved with/helping to promote something called the Malafi Photo Initiative, and I've just posted about it at Shanghaiist.com, where I'm working now.  Basically, a couple friends of friends went into rural Sichuan (where the earthquake was) and armed a bunch of kids with reloadable cameras (the old-school kind).  Together with the kids, they put together an exhibition on village life in the area, and are now putting on an exhibition called "Through Yi Eyes".  All the money from any prints sold there will go back to orphans in Sichuan, where it will help pay for schooling an other basic necessities.

It's really a great cause, so check it out online at malafi.org.  And in case you're wondering, it costs only 500RMB (about $78) to support a child for a year.  Makes you question whether you really need that new pair of shoes, doesn't it?

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