Thursday, July 24, 2008

Adidas: Together

I've been looking for these ads on YouTube for a while now, and I just stumbled upon them tonight. The other three videos in the series can be found here, here and (my favourite) here. The print ads can be found here. The Adidas Together 2008: Impossible is Nothing campaign just won a gold Cannes Lion advertising award last month.
Pretty interesting to see how hard Adidas pushed that "athletes playing for national glory" angle. Compare this campaign to one pimping Australian swimmer Ian Thorpe during the Athens Games (the first 30 seconds or so is the ad itself):


Unfortunately, this set of ads from Amnesty International also won a (Bronze) prize at Cannes. I'm not going to put those pictures up here because I think they're in very, very poor taste. Amnesty International is now claiming they have nothing to do with the ads.

: NYT has more on the push from Western companies to advertise in China here.

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